Balinese Feet Cleanse

Bali, Indonesia

After we got home from the Monkey Temple, we all still had so much energy! Josh and I had dinner on the main street outside our hotel, and afterwards we met up with Ethen and Heather to shop on the streets. We came across a spa offering a foot cleanse with little fish that would eat off your dead skin and we were all obsessed with trying it out! We had to do it! We all put our feet into this tank at the same time and it was such a weird feeling! It honestly felt like the tingling you experience when your foot falls asleep! I almost couldn’t stand it at times because it tickled SO badly! It was so cool though! I had seen pictures of this on pinterest and the web, and had it on my bucket list, so I was stoked when we came across this! And in Bali, EVEN BETTER! After the fish cleaned our feet, we headed back to the hotel for a nighttime swim in the pool. Everyone met up there and we had some fun/bonding talks in the moonlight. We all feel so blessed and happy to be where we are!

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