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  • DSC_2209

    Prague, Czech Republic

    Prague… so much to say about this amazing country!!! Josh served his LDS mission in Prague, so its safe to say this is our favorite vacation spot! Something about the medieval…

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    Prague Nitro Circus show

    Prague, Czech Republic Tonight was the Prague Nitro Show! It was the first Nitro Live Show I have seen since Josh and I got engaged! It was amazing! Josh landed every…

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    Josh’s Old Stomping Grounds

    Prague, Czech Republic I woke up this morning to the best surprise ever! My husband sleeping next to me! We were finally together again! Woot Woot! We decided not to waste…

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    Prague, Czech Republic

    Prague, Czech Republic When I flew into Prague, I had just received the news that Josh and the Nitro crew would be postponing coming here! They had something lined up in…