Tower of London & Tower Bridge

London, England

Josh and I woke up early, had some brekky and left to venture the city before tonights sold out show here in London! First stop was the Tower of London and Tower Bridge! While boarding the train to London Bridge, we ran into some [hobbit] folk celebrating New Zealand Day! They were so fun and gave us the insider scoop on what to see in the city. Tower of London was incredible, and the Tower Bridge is sooooo magical. It’s crazy to think about all the history that this city has seen…. the fact that we are able to admire its beauty now is unbelievable.

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[Morning hot chocolate]


[Friendly Hobbit folk]

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The-Tower-of-London Tower of London - Jan2013 090 Tower_of_London_main_entrance,_2009


[Tower of London… incredible!]

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[PDA OK day… everyday… we’re married..]

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